Posters & Presentations


Please, introduce yourself! We encourage all participants to prepare a poster about their scientific interest and activity. Advertise your job and get more contact and collaborators!

The maximum poster size ia A0. It would be useful to add your photo on the poster. There is a possibility to print the poster in Toruń. In this case, please send the poster in the pdf format via e-mail to Justyna Cembrzyńska ( before the school starts. It costs 50 PLN, payable by cash at arrival. Invoice is available on request. The posters will be presented during the week of the school.

Moreover, we also plan special session on which all participants will introduce themselves for the school audience. Therefore, it would be useful to prepare a short presentation with 1-2 slide(s) in pdf format. Please, send the pdf files to us not later than Tuesday's lunch by using e-mail: The slides will be shown on P1 session on Wednesday (Sep 25th, 14:00-16:00) together with the two-minutes presentation made by the participant. Please note, that session P1 can be switched with H3 due to bad weather conditions at Haleakala (Hawaii, USA). All the slides will be accessible online to all participants together with the school materials.